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In Person

Visit us at an upcoming event or volunteer with the foundation


Donate and help the foundation feed the families in need


Download Palmer's song Warm in Heaven for $2.99

By Email

Email us for more ways you can help and be a part of our story

The Palmer Nicklaus Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.

~Two passions, one purpose~

Pretty Thai® is the vehicle for which we share our story and honor Palmer. Pretty Thai® is our business. It began out of a love, a love for one another, and a love for food.  Once we met Palmer, Pretty Thai's purpose changed, along with ours. It is our mission to build Pretty Thai® so that we can build the Palmer Nicklaus Foundation. 


A portion of proceeds from every purchase of Pretty Thai® will benefit the Palmer Nicklaus Foundation.  We choose to fight for Palmer and build his legacy. Pretty Thai® is a beautiful reminder of our passion for our son and the promises we made to him. Let's fight with food!


~ Kristen & Robert

“You live as long as the last person who remembers you, so may you live Forever!”

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